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Wight Boat Charter Beneteau Antares 9.80

Wight Boat Hire Ltd


Antares 9.80 Safety inventory
Item Cat 2
Liferaft – 10 persons – ISO 9650-1 or ORC canister or valise raft, with SOLAS B pack, or equivalent grab bag yes
Hydrostatic release for liferaft or stowed in accessible deck locker yes
Lifebuoys (horseshoe or round), fitted with reflective tape, name & port of registry (or other 2nd identification) 2
Lifebuoy lights – fitted to one lifebuoy yes
Lifebuoy buoyant line (18M) – fitted to remaining lifebuoy 1
Lifejackets (DTp or BSEN399-275N or BSEN396-150N ) 2 extra if gas inflatable type 9(+2)
Lights fitted to lifejackets yes
Safety harnesses 2
Red para flares 4
Red hand flares 6
Orange smoke- buoyant or hand 2
TPA (thermal protective aids) - include those in liferafts (usually 2) 9
Portable vhf 1
SOLAS 1 or 2 SOLAS 2 rescue information charts - displayed 1
Training manual (available from MECAL if necessary) 1
Instr for on-board maintenance of life saving appliances
Safety Briefing card (see annex for requirements) yes
1 x 13A113B portable fire extinguisher yes
Additional fire extinguishers 2 x 5A34B, 2- fire buckets (can be collapsible canvass type to save space yes
Nautical publications (local charts/pilotage & tide tables, or equivalent) yes
Effective radar reflector (see MECAL website Technical Guidance Section – MTN 19-1) 1
Compass deviation correction table yes
Hand bearing compass or Pelorus 1
Searchlight 1
Emergency torch 1
Barometer (or NAVTEX) -
Man overboard recovery device (effective for recovery of unconscious person) yes
First Aid Manual yes
Med. Kit (Merchant Shipping Notice MSN1768 scale C) yes
Copy of MSN 1768 annex 7 (included in MECAL Training Manual or download from MCA website ) yes
R = Recommended
PART 4 – Surveys
Out of water survey to check hull, structure, sea valves, shafts, etc & to verify maintenance/condition of machinery/systems
In water to test stability, systems & verify LSA (Life Saving Appliances)
At Tavistock 10

Headline 3

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